Putting Health at the Heart of COP28

13 November 2023



科学是明确的:现在需要采取行动应对气候危机——澳门第一赌城在线娱乐这个时代最大的公共卫生危机. 气候变化对人类和地球的有害健康影响日益明显, including through a rise in chronic and infectious diseases. This is an urgent problem for today, not tomorrow.

联合国气候变化大会(COP28)上也有一位官员 COP28 health programme for the first time, 包括气候卫生部长级和开创性卫生日. 这是将健康置于气候行动前沿的分水岭时刻.


澳门第一赌城在线娱乐分享第二十八届缔约方会议关于如何加速变革的见解——为了人民的健康, society and the planet.

Decarbonising healthcare and health systems

气候危机正在给本已捉襟危肘的卫生系统带来更大压力,并危及基本卫生保健的提供. Paradoxically, for a sector whose goal is to keep people well, the healthcare sector is contributing to the problem, 约占全球温室气体排放量的5%.1

Urgent, 需要采取变革性行动,减缓和适应气候变化,保护人民健康, society and our planet. Collectively, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐必须重新思考提供卫生保健的问题,建立更加公平、具有复原力的卫生系统,并向净零目标过渡. No one business, government, or organisation can do it alone, we need to work together at pace and at scale.

Chaired by our CEO, Pascal Soriot, the Sustainable Markets Initiative (SMI) Health Systems Task Force is a public-private partnership, 表彰其为加速卫生系统脱碳所作的集体努力. Ahead of COP28, the Task Force shared 中国和印度的可再生能源采购模式进展如何, 制定一个框架来衡量药物对环境的影响,以使医疗保健脱碳.

Following the science to become net zero

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐致力于推动整个卫生部门的变革,这与澳门第一赌城在线娱乐致力于实现澳门第一赌城在线娱乐自己大胆的气候和可持续性目标的承诺相辅相成. Through our flagship Ambition Zero Carbon 计划,澳门第一赌城在线娱乐专注于在全公司范围内实现深度脱碳:

  • 到2026年,澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的全球运营和车队(范围1和范围2)的排放量将减少98%. 减排的核心是澳门第一赌城在线娱乐向100%可再生能源的能源转型, including our innovative clean heat partnerships to supply our UK and US sites with green gas.
  • We’re investing in biodiversity and nature. Earlier this year, we announced an expansion of our AZ Forest programme, 他承诺到2030年在六大洲种植2亿棵树, to drive climate action, restore nature and promote biodiversity, and build ecological and community resilience. During COP28, we announced a pledge to plant up to six million trees in western Kenya
  • 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐还在整个价值链中参与测量和减少范围3的排放. For example, our work to reduce the carbon footprint of our respiratory inhalers 已经在进行中,是实现澳门第一赌城在线娱乐雄心勃勃的零碳目标的重要一步.
  • We are co-founders of the Converge, 这是一项供应链合作计划,旨在加快整个价值链中实验室的绿色实验室认证. Announced at COP28, 该倡议将利用集体行动的力量对实验室进行认证,以配合“零排放竞赛”的突破性成果,即到2030年,95%的实验室将获得“我的绿色实验室”的最高级别认证. Working in collaboration with My Green Lab, we are already embedding a culture of sustainable science 在整个组织内,全球有100个实验室空间获得了“我的绿色实验室”认证. 

Through individual and collective action, 私营部门在根据《澳门第一赌城在线娱乐》限制地球变暖方面可以发挥关键作用,并在为每个人建立更健康的未来方面发挥积极作用.


See how we’re driving collective climate action.

这部电影是由BBC StoryWorks商业制作公司为澳门在线赌城娱乐制作的

Across the company, from our senior leadership to our graduates and apprentices, we are deeply committed to driving bold climate action. In the film “Can medicine be made more sustainably?”, 由BBC StoryWorks商业制作公司为澳门在线赌城娱乐制作, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的首席执行官Pascal sooriot和供应链学徒Kate Stevenson反思了气候与健康的关系,以及他们优先考虑可持续发展努力和推进集体气候行动的动机.

The film showcases how we are decarbonising the development, 药品的生产和交付以及澳门第一赌城在线娱乐如何合作推动可持续变革. 

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1. Romanello M. et al. 《澳门第一赌城在线娱乐》关于健康和气候变化的报告:受化石燃料支配的健康. Published online October 25, 2022. Available at: http://www.thelancet.http://www.journals/lancet/article/piis0140 -6736(22)01540-9/全文[最后访问:2023年11月8日]


  • Sustainability